Writing is an essential tool in business, academia, literature, and other forms of communication. It offer clients the opportunity to communicate their message in a compelling way and engage with their audience. Professional Writers specialize in creating engaging and sophisticated copy that truly speaks to a target demographic. Writers possess many skills such as proofreading and editing, summarizing, content creation, research and idea development- whatever the project needs!

Here's some projects that our expert Writers made real:

  • Crafting engaging stories
  • Developing concrete evidence-backed arguments
  • Bringing businesses' visions to life through complex copywriting
  • Developing novel ideas for various industries and topic areas
  • Reviving brands through compelling and creative story telling

Writing can truly inspire a brand's identity or ethos, create opportunities for collaboration with other businesses, and be the crucial difference between a sale or return. With the High quality writers on Freelancer.com, you can find the perfect match for your project or business goals. Whether your project requires long-form copywriting or shorter pieces like marketing emails, website copy, blogs or newsletters- our Writers are ready to put their skills to work for you.

Hiring a Writer can be incredibly rewarding and give your message the lift off it needs to capture an audience. Here at Freelancer.com we have qualified professionals who specialize in writing services across all skill levels. We encourage you to look through our pool of Writer freelancers today and hire the perfect one for your next project!

From 103,776 reviews, clients rate our Writers 4.87 out of 5 stars.
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    4 jobs found, pricing in USD

    As a diligent student of pharmocognosy in my top-ranked pharmacy vocational program, I'm seeking someone with an experience in Pharmacy to provide high quality lecture notes specifically focused on medicinal plants. These notes should be written in Indonesian language and be suitable for complex studies. The ideal person for this job would have: - A background in Pharmacy, specifically in Pharmocognosy. - Superior writing skills in Indonesian. - Experience with educational instruction or tutoring. Your work will aid my journey in the nutrition study program and provide the needed resources to strengthen my understanding of medicinal plants and their applications.

    $16 (Avg Bid)
    $16 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    I'm looking for a compassionate writer who can draft uplifting letters to the children I'm supporting. Having excellent writing skills and holding an ability to inspire younger minds is critical for this work. Key responsibilities: - Writing letters to offer encouragement and support. - Setting a positive and inspiring tone with each correspondence. - Adapting the letters to the age and experience of each child.

    $18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $18 / hr Avg Bid
    72 bids

    I'm in need of a ghostwriter to help me craft a 300-page book focused on healthy living for body and mind, with the ultimate goal of promoting longevity. The ideal candidate for this project is a mature writer with a strong passion for the subject of longevity and healthy living. You should be able to write in a conversational style that is engaging for middle-aged adults. Key project details: - The book is to be structured in a chronological order. - You will be provided with a detailed outline and guidance for the book. - The book should be a mix of informative and instructional content. Your role will be to take this guidance, conduct any necessary research, and produce a high-quality, engaging manuscript. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Pr...

    $1936 (Avg Bid)
    $1936 Avg Bid
    22 bids

    INTRODUCTION Nous éditons et , qui existent depuis plus de 20 ans et viennent en aide chaque mois à près d'un million d'adoptants, propriétaires ou tout simplement amoureux des chiens et des chats. Nous en améliorons sans cesse le contenu à travers la publication de nouveaux articles sur toutes sortes de sujets. À contre-courant de nombreux sites, nous entendons proposer des articles de haute qualité, tant sur le fond que sur la forme : les faire écrire en Afrique ou par une IA, très peu pour nous. Nous travaillons déjà avec plusieurs rédacteurs(trices) de qualité, mais en cherchons des supplémentaires. QUALITES REQUISES Vous devez : - aimer écrire, et avoir un ...

    $1042 (Avg Bid)
    $1042 Avg Bid
    28 bids

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