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Attari Bros
Game Designer
$25 per hour
4.8 (6774 jobs)
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Dezine Geek
Game Designer
$25 per hour
4.9 (5717 jobs)
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i-Tech Art
Game Designer
$20 per hour
4.9 (2215 jobs)
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Game Designer
$25 per hour
4.9 (1975 jobs)
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Dayaben D.
Game Designer
₹30 per hour
4.9 (1644 jobs)
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Pinky D.
Game Designer
$15 per hour
4.9 (1462 jobs)
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Game Designer
$25 per hour
4.8 (1430 jobs)
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Eclick Softwares
Game Designer
$20 per hour
4.9 (1404 jobs)
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How to hire a great freelance Game Designer

Gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry continuing to flourish through a proliferation of mobile devices and ongoing development of existing gaming platforms. Game design refers to the process of planning a game and how it plays and is an important rung in the complicated exercise of establishing new games. Typically, it is the preliminary step in the creation of a new game, and heavily influences the popularity once released to the market.  
Game designers are commonly tasked with creating a blueprint for individual game elements and interfaces including components such as the story, environment, modes and rules of play, characters, and objects. The designer may not be responsible for the ideation of a game's premise. Commonly an outline, budget, and delivery timeframe are provided before the commencement of detailed design. Game design requires thoughtful planning with these constraints in mind.  
Depending on the complexity of a game, design can sometimes be a team exercise, shared between a range of designers reporting to a lead designer with ultimate accountability.
Mastery of the capabilities of hardware platforms associated with gaming such as Xbox, and PlayStation gaming consoles, PC or Mac Computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, is a necessity. As is a working understanding of their software and operating systems.
Following completion of an approved game design, a designer works closely with developers who turn their ideas into code and assets to deliver a prototype. Occasionally designers will also write code with the assistance of computer programming languages. A game designer will have continued involvement in the dev process, delivering design amendments based on feedback or technical constraints identified throughout the development cycle.
The gaming industry has traditionally been a male-dominated sphere as males with a love of gaming complete specialized training to make it their profession. Gaming is no longer the realm of men only. The influence of women in gaming has increased exponentially over the past decade with a 300% increase in women hired in gaming companies since 2009.
When considering hiring a game designer, a minimum education requirement is typically a Bachelor’s Degree. Most job seekers attend college to forge a career in the gaming industry. Qualifications range from a dedicated degree in gaming design to computer graphics, animation or arts. Strictly speaking, it is not essential to possess a degree, design experts are self-taught, though it is worth considering the level of training completed before selecting your chosen designer.
A common mistake is the assumption one needs to be an artistic genius to excel in gaming design. While helpful, this is not always the case. Many top game designers have carved out their niche through reliable technical ability and computing expertise, compensating for less natural artistic nous.
Complementary skills useful in game design include knowledge of computer programming languages and coding ability, critical analysis and problem-solving, strong technology know-how, and high-quality communications skills, both written and verbal. provides a platform for hiring qualified and experience game designers. Rather than assuming liability by employing a full-time game designer, freelancing provides a flexible project-based hiring option to test game design skills and the cultural fit for your organization.
At you can locate professionals to handle your mobile, gaming console, PC or VR gaming project. Simply post a project, select a freelancer with the right skills and experience, and you are underway!
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How hiring a Game Designer works

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$540 USD in 7 days.
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$100 USD in 1 day.
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$430 USD in 1 day.
Website Design.
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Website Design.
$140 USD in 13 days.
App Design.
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App Design.
$200 USD in 19 days.
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$150 USD in 13 days.
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$240 USD in 1 day.
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$100 USD in 1 day.
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