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Whether you're already running a business or dreaming of starting one, I'm here to help turn your vision into reality using AI powered freelancers. Share your business goals, and together, we'll create a project that our talented freelancers can bid on. Let's make your vision a reality!
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Debian is a free computer operating system released under the General public license (GNU). In 1993, Ian Murdock announced the existence of the software and later in August, Debian 0.0.1 was released. After many improvements, the latest version was released on 2nd April 2016.
Important Features
Online repositories containing over 50,000 software packages
Ability to download and install non free software packages using Debian repositories
Inclusion of popular free programs like VLC player, Libre office, evolution mail, firefox, k3b disc burner, GIMP image editor and Evince document viewer
Importance of Dabien
To support Linux officially and GNU Hurd unofficially
Used for different network installation
Acquisition of DVD and CD images for installation
Installation of Dabien releases live install images for CDs, DVDs and USB thumb drives
Performing of package management operations using different tools available on Dabien
Why Use Dabien
It can be installed using a CD, DVD, USB, etc.
It is loaded with many free software apps
It has a well integrated packages
It is easily upgraded
It has many development tools and languages
It is secure and stable.
Many organizations today are making use of Dabien to avoid system crashing and software clustering and with Dabien, you have access to many free software apps and an ability to download other non free software packages. All you need to do is to hire the services of a freelance Dabien expert to install it and get it running. Hiring a Dabien expert will make the work easy because configurations on Dabien may be overwhelming if you don’t have the experience.
Job Description of a Dabien expert
Improving and maintaining packaging systems
Documenting packaging systems
Improving internal packaging system
Improving development scripts
Identifying and evaluating Linux kernel patches
In your search for a Dabien expert, there are several skills the appropriate candidate is recommended to possess.
Administration and package creation on Dabien
Procession of C skill and source code patch management
Skilled in Unix shell scripting
Knowledge of UNIX ‘test utils’
Knowledge of C++
Knowledge in Linux kernel building
Skilled in Ruby, Python and Perl.
If you are looking to hire the services of a Dabien Expert, the best platform for easy access to many candidates is on freelancer.com. Using this online source will give you access to view the profiles of many experts in this field and making an informed decision will be easy.
There are so many important benefits of hiring a freelance Dabien expert such as:
Elimination of Advertisement cost and overhead costs
Ease of interviewing, hiring, testing and retaining the best candidate for your job
Employing an expert who can work both online and offline
Enjoying rest free days as your freelance expert takes care of your project
Achieving your aim within your budget.
Using the freelancer.com platform is the best decision in choosing the right candidate for your Dabien installation, maintenance and monitoring needs. Post your project on Freelancer.com today and enjoy the benefits.